will you dream now of the neverland...? 23.11.07 |
For as many issues as I had with Peter Pan, I'm really missing it. Besides the fact that I miss acting in general, the message of Peter Pan is such that it connects to me on a very personal level. Having had the childhood I had, unbridled joy was almost not allowed for me. But looking back on it now, our world seems so bleak compared to the rose-tinted universe of a naïve child, and the old adage "Ignorance is bliss" seems to never have had a better fit. But yes, Peter Pan. The idea of being able to escape from reality into imagination, into a dreamworld, into...Neverland... it's just so appealing. So, I wrote this poem:These memories ferment in my brain;
from a childhood far behind me.
And these memories,
only recently awakened,
are nostalgic beyond belief.
For no longer can I fly away
into imagination;
no longer can I take solace
in the lucidity of
And try as I might
to fight
these growing pains,
still I must grow up.
I must leave childhood
behind me
for grown up things--
taxes and business and
I must leave you behind,
my neverland,
I must fall away
from your utopian shores,
I must be adult
and I must be serious,
because these memories
are just that--memory--
they cannot be relived;
only rebuilt yearningly in the
mind of a child
in a grown up world.
Tell me what you think. (That is, if anyone reads this...ha! How strange that I should be opening my life up to probably nobody!)