haven't you heard the word...? 23.9.07 |
I'm writing again. This one's called "Für Dante," and as of now, it's about 4 pages long and nowhere near done. Also, it's a poem. That's all you're getting so far (I don't know who "you" entails, as I do not know who reads this, but that's besides the point).
It's frustrating to have so much on one's mind without any outlet. I really wish that I could just talk to that one individual, who probably has no earthly clue that this issue exists, about how I feel.
Ugh. It's frustrating.
Anyway. Last night was a rather good night. Many people came and saw my show, Cliffhanger, and from what I can tell, they really enjoyed it. Following the show, I went out to dinner in my bloodied garb, which certainly drew some stares from fellow patrons at Denny's.
Regardless, it made me realize how much people care for me. It's a good feeling.
[out of tangents....I wish I had more poetic je ne sais quoi to post, but alas, I do not.]